All Cash For College Workflows Are Listed Here
What is a workflow?
Workflows are based on the idea of followups. When a user takes an action on the website, it assigns them to a point person, and creates a followup. It's your job to complete your task, and mark the followup as complete.
Exhibitor Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 CFC College Exhibitor. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.
4. If they are accepted it's time to create an invoice. If they are denied, click on edit, and then BAN them on the bottom right.
5. Click on the FINANCES tab, the REVENUE tab and then CREATE NEW INVOICE, then fill the required fields, and send the invoice. Update the followup status by clicking on the arrow, set a new followup if necessary.
6. Check the status of all finances HERE. Use THIS filter to see all unpaid invoices for this year that are open, and THIS filter to see all that are closed.
Non-Profit Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 NPO Exhibitor. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.
4. If they are accepted it's time to create an invoice. If they are denied, click on edit, and then BAN them on the bottom right.
5. Click on the FINANCES tab, the REVENUE tab and then CREATE NEW INVOICE, then fill the required fields, and send the invoice. Update the followup status by clicking on the arrow, set a new followup if necessary.
6. Check the status of all finances HERE. Use THIS filter to see all unpaid invoices for this year that are open, and THIS filter to see all that are closed.
Financial Aid Presenter Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, 2015 - CFCFamily Spanish and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 CFC Financial Aid Presenter. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.
College Life Presenter Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 CFC College Life Presenter. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.
Career Panelist Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 CFC Career Panelist. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.
Volunteer Workflow
The Registration Form is HERE, you can update the auto-response email HERE, and THIS is the page that visitors see.
1. When people sign-up on the form, they are tagged 2015 - CFC Setup, 2015 - CFC1, 2015 - CFCFamily, and 2015 - CFC2 based on when they can participate. All signups are tagged with 2015 CFC Volunteer. They are also assigned to a point person HERE.
2. An auto-response email will be sent to the sign-up. A followup will also be generated for the point person.
3. Check your followups to see the individuals who need your attention. Click on their person record.