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L.A. Cash for College is a financial aid awareness campaign that helps students and families navigate the financial aid process and realize their college potential.  Through the annual College & Career Convention, financial aid completion workshops and scholarship incentives, we inform students about college and financial aid processes, personally assist students and families applying for financial aid, and reword students with potential $1,000 scholarships.




L.A. Youth at Work invests in our young adults to develop the future workforce.  LAYAW solicits entry-level job commitments and internship opportunities from private sector employers then trains and certifies young adults between the ages of 16-24, free of charge and regardless of income or residency, with the skills necessary to qualify for entry-level employment.


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la-compact.pngCollective input, collective action, collective impact. The L.A. Compact is a bold commitment by Los Angeles leaders from education, business, government, labor, and non-profit sectors, to transform education outcomes from cradle to career, ensuring that today’s youth have the skills necessary to compete and succeed in a 21st century global workforce.

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The prosperity of Los Angeles rests on the success of our future workforce.  Facing changing markets and growing competition at home and abroad, Los Angeles businesses must attract the best talent to compete now and in the future.  Forging business and education partnerships increases the rigor and relevance of curriculum, and engages students in their education which prepares them for postsecondary study and successful careers.


Connecting Los Angeles county’s leading STEM professionals and educators to expand access and provide pathways for 21st century STEM skills development.

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Linked Learning connects rigorous instructional content, skills, and deep thinking to relevant experiential learning in order to ensure that our students are well equipped for both college and career.



Partnering together, businesses and educators can transform education by integrating rigorous academics with career based learning and real work experiences in a wide range of fields.

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School Administrators partner with business professionals who spend a day on campus and learn about the challenges of running a school.  Alternatively, Administrators visit their partners’ business to learn about the demands of today’s workplace.



Business benefits from having a highly motivated young adult in the workplace while giving them a crucial career building opportunity.


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In order to truly transform our educational system, change takes place at the local, state and national levels. UNITE-LA unifies with the L.A. Area Chamber for local partnerships; the R.E.A.L. Coalition with statewide influence; and A.C.C.E. projecting a national voice.

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Thirteen years ago, the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute revealed that while “96% of Latino parents want their children to attend college”, few understood how to support their children in the college admission process or how to access the financial aid opportunities that make that access affordable.  Our mission is to educate students and families so their finances no longer are a factor in deciding whether or not to go to college.

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UNITE-LA understands the importance of investment in early learning, birth through five years old, and its effectiveness in improving high school graduation rates and college attendance, in addition to increasing safety, decreasing crime and building a stronger economy and middle class.

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UNITE-LA supports the new 21st century assessments and accountability system, along with the Linked Learning approach for education, which integrates rigorous academics with career-based learning and real work workplace experience.

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UNITE-LA seeks to improve post-secondary student success outcomes, expand access and eligibility for financial aid, and supports pathways of opportunity for undocumented students in the pursuit of college education and career development.

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UNITE-LA supports the development of comprehensive P-16 career pathways that create a systemic approach to meeting the needs of high-demand industry sectors and preparing our youth for the challenging opportunities of the global economy.

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