May 2020


L.A. Cash for College is joining former First Lady Michelle Obama and community leaders across the country to celebrate students who make a commitment to post-secondary education. We invite you to join us on College Signing Day, May 1st,  and throughout the month of May, as we virtually rally behind local graduating high school seniors and transfer students to show them our support. Download flier.  


Join us as we rally around local college-bound students to show them our support.

We invite you to participate in our College Signing Month social media campaign and encourage you to attend our virtual panels and participate.




WEEK 1 (MAY 11–15) 

Click link below to view a recording of the panel

WEEK 2 (MAY 18-21) 

Click link below to view a recording of the panel

WEEK 3 (MAY 25-27) 

Click link below to view a recording of the panel

5/11 - Community College: Sharing Insights about Certificates/Degrees (STUDENT PANEL) 

5/12 - College Resources for Undocumented Students 

5/13 - Serving Our Marginalized Communities: Resources for Foster Youth and Criminal Justice Impacted 

5/14 - Financial Aid Resources for Students (ENGLISH) 

5/18 - Best Practices:Adapting to Virtual Learning 

5/19 -Stay Cool During Summer Melt: Tips for Staying Ready for Fall Semester/Quarter 

5/20 - Financial Aid Resources for Students (SPANISH)

5/26 - Navigating Community College: Resources to Ensure a Successful Path to a Degree 

5/27 -California State University (CSU): On-Campus Resources 

5/28 - University of California (UC): On-Campus Resources

Check out photos from last year's College Signing Day on Facebook_icon..png Twitter_bird_logo_2012.pnginstagram-Logo-PNG-Transparent-Background-download.png


About College Signing Month

College Signing Month is a chance to celebrate students for making a commitment to higher education. As students weigh college options and make final enrollment decisions, we want to acknowledge the time and effort that they have put into this process. From researching colleges and universities and preparing admissions applications to completing financial aid forms, we know that it has been a long journey leading up to this moment and it should feel like an epic occasion.

Just as promising athletes receive an outpouring of media attention and community support when they select the college of their choice, we plan to generate buzz and excitement for students who have reached a final college decision and promote a college-going culture in Los Angeles in the process.

Created as part of the former First Lady’s Reach Higher initiative, College Signing Day is one way of mobilizing educators, counselors, parents, and community members around the country to encourage and uplift college-bound youth. It is also a way for students to inspire and encourage others, in the spirit of the the First Lady's Better Make Room campaign. 



How to Get Involved


L.A. Cash for College is sponsoring a College Signing Month social media campaign to encourage community leaders, schools, and community based organizations to highlight the importance of pursuing postsecondary education, and support students planning to attend and graduate from college.

You can help make College Signing Month a success in Los Angeles by promoting the campaign in several ways!


  • Encourage students to Tweet/Facebook/Instagram photos of themselves with our customizable sign that reads “I’m Heading to ____.” (download sign below)
  • Encourage students to wear t-shirts from the college they plan to attend
  • Encourage teachers, principals, and school staff to wear t-shirts from their alma maters or a local college or university
  • Share your activities with your social networks, tag us @LACash4College and use #ReachHigher #BetterMakeRoom #CollegeSigningDay
  • Host your own College Signing Day Event! Funding opportunities are available through Better Make Room and
  • Submit a short video message to congratulate our college-bound students
  • Submit a photo of yourself holding our College Signing Day sign (download sign below) to share where you went to college, and encourage students to do the same
  • Wear apparel from your alma mater or from a local college or university the month of May to promote a college-going culture in your office or organization
  • Share how college made a difference for you by posting on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram on Tuesday, the week of May 1
  • Tag us @LACash4College and use #ReachHigher #BetterMakeRoom #CollegeSigningDay
  • Engage others in your network to support College Signing Day




Social Media Toolkit

Download the Social Media Letter and Pennants


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If you have any questions, please contact Maria Marquez Alvarez via email at [email protected].

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