You can add a list of tags to the top of any of your blog pages using redirect subpages. Each tag in this list can link to a page that automatically aggregates all posts and pages across or website with that tag.
In your NationBuilder Control Panel, navigate to the page settings for the blog page you’re working on. Click on the Posts & subpages tab, and then click on the Subpages tab. Here you will see a list of all of the subpages for that blog page (any subpages that aren’t blog posts). Any redirect pages listed here will show up in the list of tags at the top of your blog page.
To add a new tag to the list, click on the “New subpage” button. The Name field will be the label that appears for the tag in the list at the top of the blog page, and should be the same wording used for the tag used by the posts/pages on your site. The Slug can be whatever you want, but we recommend using the slug that is automatically generated by NationBuilder based on what you enter in the Name field. If that slug is already taken by another page on your website, simply add a number to the end of the slug (for example: yourslughere_2). Choose “Redirect” from the list of available page types, and make sure the Include in top nav option is checked. Next, click the “Create page” button at the bottom of the page.
To complete the process, you must enter the slug for the page that automatically aggregates all of the posts/pages with the tag you’re working with into the URL to redirect to* field. The slug looks like this:
Fo for example, if you want to see a list of all posts and pages that have the tag “jobs”, the slug you would enter into the URL to redirect to* field is /tags/jobs.
Another quick and easy way to get the appropriate slug is to visit a post or page that has the tag you’re working with, and click on the tag label that appears on that page. This will also bring you to the page that automatically aggregates all posts/pages with that tag, and you can grab the slug from your browser’s address bar.
Important notes:
- For NationBuilder’s tagging feature to work properly, tags must be worded consistently across your website. Tags are case sensitive.
- There must also be at least one page or post on your website that uses the tag that you create a redirect subpage for. If there are no posts or pages on your website with that tag, when you click on that tag in the tag list at the top of your blog page, you will land on a page that says “The page you were looking for was not found”.
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